Monday, February 18, 2013


Getting ready to go against the grain here and please feel free to comment or respond.

...And you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes come and buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear and come to ME. Hear and your soul shall live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you - The sure mercies of David. Isaiah 55:1-3

Since getting into homeschooling I have seen one thing in common with most if not all homeschooling moms. I have read many blogs and commentaries and there is an overall theme that is running throughout the home school community.  Mothers that are certain that God laid on their hearts, the task to home school their children and now seemingly the burden it has become due to lack of finance. Yes money in the center, well I have to share with you where the Lord is taking me in this part of my  journey.
When Jesus told the rich young ruler to give up everything he had and follow Jesus, the boy went away reluctant to give up his riches, the bible said he had great wealth and he was not willing to part with his wealth. The reason for not giving it up is that he believed in his heart, that giving up his riches would make him poor and destitute and so he walked away discouraged because he did not want to part with the treasures that were dear to his heart, the riches of this world. He did not realize that his heart was being tested to see if he truly desired God or riches.  Was he willing to let go and let Jesus be the supplier of his needs.  You see, when God prompts us to let go of something, whether it be money or people or some other material thing, public school, private school, jobs even relationships, it is no just so you are left poor, or broke or hungry or lonely but it's because He wants you to rest in HIM and allow HIM to do for you what you have been toiling in the flesh to try and do for yourself. HE will never take from you and leave you with out. HE wants us to want HIM more than we want the things HE allows us to have.
In this homeschooling journey, I have seen God provide for our every need from food clothes and shelter right down to computers pen and paper. And as I continue to join my mustard seed faith with the faith that is the attributes of God, I see things brought into existence from the unseen realm.

There is a fight that has been going on in my mind as I work on daily lessons and the struggle is between doing what the pressure from the world is telling me I have to do, or listening to the prompting of the holy spirit. Doing what is commonplace for me or taking the time to sit at the feet of Jesus. There is no price to pay for the unmerited favor of God, for HIS grace and truth, for HIS goodness and mercy. It takes a renewing of the mind to become a receiver of the love and kindness of our Father. So come with me as we buy with no money and eat and lets stop spending our money for what is not bread and our wages for what does not satisfy.

Today I encourage you to trust God as the supplier of all your home school needs and watch HIM do for you what no one else can.  Rest in the finished work of HIS son Jesus on the cross and walk in the perfect will of God  today.

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