
Showing posts from November 19, 2013

Peace 2

John 14:27 Peace  I   leave  with  you , my  peace   I  give unto  you : not as the world giveth, give  I  unto  you . Let not  you r heart be troubled, neither let  i t be afraid. Today's Life Lesson was nothing short of amazing. I taught a little bit of grammar earlier on in the day but by the end of the day my "grammar" would turn out to be the lesson of the day -  the words that came out of my mouth was teaching a lesson that would last a lifetime. My baby girl Azariah, started coughing a few days ago. As I listened to this mucus build up on her chest and her watery eyes running, the sniffling and the discomfort, I went into normal "mommy" mode - prayers, honey, lime,garlic, soup, juice and crackers. The more I gave her the worse it seemed to get. The more I prayed and declared the more she coughed. I realized that the battle was deeper than I thought. As the day went by, a little bit of questioning and second thought started creeping in and I was inqui