The flesh or my carnal mind keep pressing on me to make this blog like every other blog about homeschooling but I can't by the grace of God, and because of the finished work of Christ on the cross, I, nor this blog will not be conformed to this world and the traditional forms of homeschooling blogs but we are being transformed by the renewing of of minds and in the process, we hope to help to renew your mind.
In writing about homeschooling I have tried to keep it on "school" but I have come to realize that I cannot tell about our school experiences.You see in the midst of "schooling" I found LIFE! I found out that "Training up my children in the way they should go had little or nothing to do with a "curriculum" as we know it. I found out that living was our classroom and the Holy Spirit is our teacher. Its been three years and I have struggled to bring some sort of ritualistic order to what we call homeschooling and as I fought and fought against life in the spirit I found myself more and more frustrated and buried in guilt. It was that same feeling I had when my children were in public school, as I daily walked my children to school and then sat in the parent teachers room and watched and the masses going through the ritual of what was deemed an absolute must -- go to school and learn.
I stepped out on faith that September of 2010 because my heart couldn't take it any more. So now here I am and again, my spirit is pushed against the grain. You see, the academics is of no value if it is not structured or geared toward building up the kingdom of God. "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his own soul? (Mark 8:36). Slow down for one minute and think about the souls of millions of our babies at stake as we feed them into the treadmill of the world to be processed and conformed to life in the kingdom of darkness.
We are earnest Christians, determined to give our children the best, we continue to march to the beat of the enemy as we ignore the Holy Spirit's prompting to go against the grain and flow with the Spirit of our Father. Daily we ignore or forget the instructions given to us by Paul as he wrote from the Roman prison " I beseech you not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) If our minds are renewed, then our children's minds will be renewed as well.
As my family and I continue in our "life lessons" I am learning more and more to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He teaches me, to train them up, and as He teaches them to live for Him. How great is our God. Thank you Abba, Father. (Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 54:13) "Train up a child in the way they should go...all your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children..."
I stepped out on faith that September of 2010 because my heart couldn't take it any more. So now here I am and again, my spirit is pushed against the grain. You see, the academics is of no value if it is not structured or geared toward building up the kingdom of God. "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his own soul? (Mark 8:36). Slow down for one minute and think about the souls of millions of our babies at stake as we feed them into the treadmill of the world to be processed and conformed to life in the kingdom of darkness.
We are earnest Christians, determined to give our children the best, we continue to march to the beat of the enemy as we ignore the Holy Spirit's prompting to go against the grain and flow with the Spirit of our Father. Daily we ignore or forget the instructions given to us by Paul as he wrote from the Roman prison " I beseech you not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) If our minds are renewed, then our children's minds will be renewed as well.
As my family and I continue in our "life lessons" I am learning more and more to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He teaches me, to train them up, and as He teaches them to live for Him. How great is our God. Thank you Abba, Father. (Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 54:13) "Train up a child in the way they should go...all your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children..."